ご先祖を近くに感じる日 (English ver. available)



春のお彼岸はたんに「お彼岸」というのに対して、秋は「秋彼岸」と呼ばれますが、国民祝日に関する法律には、春分の日「自然を讃え、生物をいつくしむ」秋分の日「先祖を敬い、亡くなった人をしのぶ」 とあり、秋のお彼岸はとりわけご先祖に想いを馳せる機会とされているようです。

“a day feeling closer to our ancestors”
September 22 was Autumnal Equinox Day, which is public holiday in Japan (movable between  22nd and 23rd), also the day and night have the same length on the day.
Besides. a day on which ancestors are honored, and the deceased remembered and lessen the distance between our ancestors and us. Some people visit a grave and pray for our origins but when it is impossible it is enough to join our hands in prayer and burn incense and gives flowers at home.By doing this express our appreciation and don’t -forget-you to the ancestors.
So I burn a incense of sandalwood and arrange flower, gentian.   I would like to cherish this kind of Japanese mind, which is same as our ancestor had been doing so far.

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  1. Pingback: ご先祖を近くに感じる日 / a day feeling closer to our ancestors « 和ゴコロ研究所

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