「葛餅」と「久寿餅」〜どちらもカラダにいいんです(English ver. available)


葛餅 (Kuzu-mochi)

“Both 葛餅(kuzu-mochi) and 久寿餅(kuzu-mochi) are good for the body”
I went out for Kamakura and get “kuzu-mochi” the other day.
They are completely difference between 葛餅(Kuzu-mochi) from Kansai-are and 久寿餅(Kuzu-mochi) from Kanto-area, they are same name though.We have Kuzu-mochi with Kuro-mitsu(made from brown sugar) and Kinako (soybean flour), it’s delicious and good for our health. That’s why Kinako is so rich in dietary fiber and Kuromitu have high mineral content.Also 葛(kuzu) is medicative vegetable especially good to warm our body so having it at this time is going to be effective for breezed body with too much air-conditioned.

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