7月〜またの名を「愛逢月(めであいづき)」(English ver. available)


“Romantic month, July”
July started. Japanese also named this month “Fumizuki”,”Fumi” means writer letters and we will have “TANABATA(七夕) festival” this month, which has a traditional story like this, a couple, ORIHIME and HIKOBOSHI, can only get together once a year on the day, July 7th, at the night of TANABATA(七夕). So we japan has another name of this month “MEDEAI-ZUKI”,which means july is the month lovers meet up with great love.What a romantic month, July is!

Youtubeでこんな動画を見つけました。 I found a suitable movie in Youtube as follows:
■【旧暦】7月<文月_ふみづき>July (misawahomesTVより)
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BjOZPAKRco&w=320&h=180]

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